When a mysterious force unleashes a wave of dark magic across the world, causing nightmares, possessions, and chaos, the Justice League is powerless to stop it. Batman, who has been investigating the source of the disturbance, realizes that they need the help of a different kind of team: the Justice League Dark, a group of supernatural heroes who deal with the occult and the paranormal.
He recruits John Constantine, a cynical and reluctant magician; Zatanna, a powerful and charismatic stage performer; Deadman, a ghostly acrobat; Swamp Thing, a plant elemental; and Etrigan, a demon bound to a human host. Together, they form an uneasy alliance to face the threat that is plaguing the world.
The Justice League Dark soon discovers that the force behind the dark magic is none other than Felix Faust, an ancient and evil sorcerer who seeks to unleash the Shadowpact, a legion of dark entities that he has been collecting for centuries. Faust has been using his influence to manipulate politicians, media, and public opinion, creating a climate of fear and distrust that weakens the Justice League's credibility and authority.
Faust's plan is to use a ritual at Stonehenge, where he has erected a massive portal, to summon the Shadowpact and unleash them upon the world. He believes that by doing so, he will usher in a new age of magic and darkness, where he will rule as the supreme sorcerer.
The Justice League Dark must stop Faust before it is too late. They have to overcome their own doubts, conflicts, and secrets, as well as face their own personal demons along the way. They also have to deal with the skepticism and hostility of the Justice League, who do not trust or understand their methods.
The final showdown takes place at Stonehenge, where the Justice League Dark faces off against Faust and his army of dark creatures. The battle is fierce and brutal, with both sides suffering casualties and losses. The Justice League Dark manages to disrupt Faust's ritual and close the portal, but not before some of the Shadowpact escape into the world.
The Justice League Dark is hailed as heroes by the public, who have witnessed their heroic deeds. The Justice League also acknowledges their contribution and offers them a place in their ranks. However, the Justice League Dark declines, preferring to operate on their own terms and in their own way. They also realize that their work is not done, as they have to hunt down the remaining members of the Shadowpact and prevent them from causing more harm.
The movie ends with the Justice League Dark leaving Stonehenge in a flying car driven by Constantine, who cracks a joke about their next adventure. The others join in with laughter and banter, as they fly off into the night sky.