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Download Your Name Movie in Hindi | Full movie download in HD, 720p, 1080p - BluRay | World of Anime Toon India

 Download Your Name Movie in Hindi Dubbed | How to download in Dual Audio, Full movie download in HD, 720p, 1080p - BluRay, Vegamovies, Movieverse, Filmywap | (HONEST REVIEW) of this movie...

Movie Info:
👉 IMDb Rating:- 8.4/10
Movie Name: Your Name
Release Year: 2016
Language: Hindi ORG + English [Dual Audio Movie]
Subtitle: YES / English
Size: 900MB, 1.8GB
Quality: 720p, 1080p – BluRay
Format: MKV

How to watch this movie

I provide these movie link if you like to see the link is given below

  Your Name (2016) movie in 720p-BluRay [900MB]

 Your Name (2016) movie in 1080p-BluRay [1.8GB]


The mayor of a little mountain village is Mitsuha's father. She's a straightforward high school student who lives with her sister and grandmother and isn't afraid to express her disinterest in participating in Shinto ceremonies or supporting her father's political campaign. She fantasises about escaping the dull village and seeking her fortune in Tokyo. Taki is a high school student in Tokyo who moonlights at an Italian restaurant and wants to be an architect or artist. He has a bizarre dream every night in which he transforms into a high school student in a small mountain hamlet.

Your Name Movie Storyline/Plot

High school student Mitsuha Miyamizu resides in the remote Japanese town of Itomori in 2013. She longs to live again as a Tokyo lad since she is bored with the town. She uncharacteristically starts switching bodies with Taki Tachibana, a high school student in Tokyo, one day. They must thus experience the other's activities and social interactions for the day when they sometimes wake up as each other. They discover that they can communicate with one another by writing messages on one other's skin, phones, and even on paper.

Taki (in Mitsuha's body) makes Mitsuha popular at school while Mitsuha (in Taki's body) arranges a date for Taki with coworker Miki Okudera. One day, Taki (in Mitsuha's body) goes to the Shinto shrine on a mountainside outside the town with Mitsuha's grandmother Hitoha and younger sister Yotsuha to leave the ritual wine kuchikamizake they had prepared as an offering. It is said to be a representation of the body of the village protector god reigning over relationships with people and time. The comet Tiamat is predicted to approach closest to Earth on the day of the fall festival, according to a message from Mitsuha that Taki reads.

The following day, Miki and Taki embark on a date. Miki tells Taki that she loved the date but that she can tell he is thinking about someone else. As the body-switching comes to an end, Taki tries to call Mitsuha on the phone but is unable to connect with her.

In order to find Mitsuha, Taki, Miki, and their buddy Tsukasa take a train from Hida to Gifu. Taki, on the other hand, relies on his memory-based drawings of the surrounding terrain because he is unable to recall the name of Itomori. Being from Itomori, the proprietor of a restaurant in Takayama recognised the town from the sketch. He leads Taki and his pals to the ruined city of Itomori, where 500 people perished three years ago when Tiamat abruptly shattered as it crossed Earth. When Taki notices that Mitsuha's texts are rapidly vanishing from his phone, he realises that they were once apart in time, just as he is now in 2016. Taki discovers the name of Mitsuha in the record of fatalities

Taki travels to the shrine in an effort to find Mitsuha and alert her about Tiamat while Miki and Tsukasa head back to Tokyo. There, Taki consumes Mitsuha's kuchikamizake before falling asleep and catching a sight of Mitsuha's history. The day before the occurrence, Mitsuha travelled to Tokyo to look for him, and Taki remembers running into her on a train. Taki did not recognise her, however, since the body-switching had not yet happened in his timeline. He received Mitsuha's hair ribbon, which he has since worn as a charm for luck, before she embarrassedly left the train.

At Mitsuha's residence on the morning of the festival, Taki awakens in her body. Hitoha figures out what has occurred and informs him that her family has been taking care of the shrine and has inherited the power to transfer bodies. Taki disables the electrical substation and issues a bogus emergency warning in order to persuade Tessie and Sayaka, two of Mitsuha's acquaintances, to encourage the residents of Itomori to flee. Mitsuha awakens in Taki's body, and Taki realises that Mitsuha must be in his body at the shrine. On the summit at dusk, the two are aware of one another's presence, but because their timescales are different, they are unable to see one another. They finally get to meet each other in person as dusk falls [note 1] and they return to their own bodies. They make an effort to write their names on each other's hands so they would remember one another when Taki gives Mitsuha her ribbon back. Twilight arrives before Mitsuha can write hers, and they return to their separate time periods. When the evacuation strategy doesn't work, Mitsuha must persuade her father Toshiki, the mayor of Itomori, to order a mass evacuation. However, before she does, Mitsuha observes that her memories of Taki are fading and finds that he scrawled "I love you" on her palm rather than his own name. Taki returns to his own period after Tiamat crashes with no memories.

After graduating from college five years later, Taki is looking for work. Inexplicably intrigued by the events surrounding Tiamat, which took place eight years ago but are still fresh in his mind, he knows he has lost something important that he is unable to name. Itomori was devastated, but all of its inhabitants escaped because they fled just in time. Since then, Mitsuha relocated to Tokyo. Later, when their respective trains pass one another, Taki and Mitsuha get a sight of one another and are immediately driven to seek one another out. They quickly disembark and race to locate one another before meeting at the stairs of Suga Shrine. Mitsuha answers when Taki calls out to her, noting that she seems like someone he knows. They each cry with joy at having discovered what they had been looking for for so long and simultaneously ask the other for their names.

I give the review of this movie 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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